Sunday, November 2, 2014

Challenge Accepted

First, kudos to you for understanding the reference in the title. If you didn't get it, shame on you for not being a How I Met Your Mother fan. Go now to Hulu or Netflix or whatever other streaming service you use and watch a couple of episodes.

It will be legen...wait for it...DARY! 

Go ahead, I'll just wait right here.


Awesome, wasn't it?

Now back to our originally scheduled programming - this blog post! Yay!

So. today is November 1st. I noticed in my email inbox today a missive about National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which takes place every November. (Read more about NaNoWriMo here.) 

While brushing up on the rules of NaNoWriMo, I discovered NaBloPoMo!! Try saying that three times fast. Anyway, this is also National Blog Posting Month! This event is "hosted" by the lovely ladies over at BlogHer. It is a challenge to write a blog post every day for the entire month of November! 

I must admit I was partially inspired by my friend Rachel, who completed her Octoberfest of blogging. I've been wanting to dive back into blogging for a while, but my track record is not great, so I've been ignoring the urge. Now, after seeing Rachel be pretty successful with at least getting something posted more than once a week throughout the month, I think that it's time for me to try it out.

I am challenging myself to participate in NaBloPoMo 2014. So, every day this month I plan to post something. Anything. Just consistent, intentional participation in something that I hope will help me improve my time management, my dedication to completing a task, my lack of understanding how unlikely it is that my children will allow me to actually accomplish this.

And, just for funsies, my friend Krista has asked me to join her in a No-Sugar-Added November. We are (with the exception of Thanksgiving) going to refrain from eating sugar-laden foods and drinking things with sugar in them. Which means I can't drink sweet tea, put brown sugar on my oatmeal, or sneak any leftover Halloween candy!

I must be crazy!

But, crazy or not, here it begins (a day late). My NOvember. NO sugar, NO excuses for skipping a blog post, and quite possibly NO remaining sanity.

Ready, set, GO!


  1. Prayers for your sanity as you strive to complete your challenges. I think any one of them would be enough of a challenge, but together you will have quite a bit on your plate. Happy writing, posting and blogging. I am doing NaBloPoMo on the heels of completing 31 days of blogging through the Ultimate Blog Challenge, which is actually where I found out about NaBloPoMo. So I am looking forward to completing this challenge. If I do, it means I will have completed 61 days of blogging in a row - almost as much as I have blogged prior to these two challenges.

  2. Glad I could inspire you ;)
