Alright, alright. So I haven't been doing so hot keeping up with this #NaBloPoMo challenge this week.
What I have been keeping up with is sleep. Blessed, beautiful sleep. 6 hours of sleep, to be exact.
My precious little girl, at a mere 10 weeks old, has been sleeping 6 hour stretches at night for about the past week.
Usually, my most productive cleaning-blogging-Pinterest browsing time is during those hours when my other family members are asleep. Hubby is snoozing, toddler is snoozing, baby is get the picture. Every once in a while, however, I go to sleep at the same time as everyone else, which still doesn't mean I'm going to get a full night's sleep.
A few nights ago I fell asleep along with my family, and didn't wake up at all until SIX HOURS LATER. That's right folks, my little girl slept a full six hours, uninterrupted. I honestly don't remember the last time I slept a solid six hours.
I've been milking it for all it's worth.
Now that I've had a few nights of really good, refreshing sleep, I'm back at the midnight grindstone.
After I click "Publish", I will finish dishes, sweep (again), move a load of clothes to the dryer, and pat myself on the back before tucking in for the night. And hopefully sleeping in in the morning.
(NO Sugar NOvember update: I'll give you a few guesses as to how well this is going. If you think it's not going well, you guessed correctly!! Yay for you! I will say that the times I have added sugar back into my diet, I've noticed a significant drop in my energy levels to accompany that little feeling of failure. I can really see that this is going to be a battle, but I know my body is going to function better when I am not weighing it down with a ridiculous amount of excess sugar. (Did you know that 8 ounces of Coca-Cola has 25 grams of sugar?!?!))
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