Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Don't Cry For Me, Argentina

Although I'm sure Argentina's cry isn't nearly as full of emotion as a newborn's.

Today, I worked a little bit more on sleep training. Which was, you guessed it, a tear-filled extravaganza. Filled with tears. And music. The annoying kind that one usually associates with 90s era cell phones. I guess the makers of many of the children's swings/chairs/bouncy seats/etc. thought polyphonic tones were either a brilliant idea or a 24/7 joke to play on unsuspecting, bleary-eyed mothers.

Out of the four times I put him down for a nap, he managed to fall asleep on his own three times. Success! The other time I just couldn't handle any more tears. Failure. And when I put him down for real bedtime, a total meltdown ensued. I ended up nursing him to sleep. Yes, it is a bad habit. And yes, I feel slightly guilty. But the upside is... allowed me to get caught up on a bunch of laundry. This might not sound exciting to an innocent bystander, but let me tell you I would chose to have all my laundry done over the option of a free three-star restaurant dinner. One of them makes me sleep better at night and the other makes me feel guilty for not donating to the poor animals in the Sarah McLaughlin SPCA commercials. I'll let you guess which is which.

And now I hear some little "coo"s from the direction of little guy's sleepy chair. (He likes to sleep on his side, so that's our solution. The crib just ain't happenin' yet. Can't win 'em all.) 

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night! 


Isn't he precious?


  1. You are so very articulate.... love to read your blog.... stay motivated and focused.... Love you!

  2. It definitely takes time, but your getting the idea. Have you read that book yet I gave ya?
